Evolutionary Systems Biology
Date: 2020.02.12 - 2020.02.14
Location: Wellcome Trust Genome Campus, UK
Title: Regulatory network rewiring explains the phenotypic evolution between human and model organism
Presenter: Doyeon Ha
Authors: Doyeon Ha, Seong Kyu Han, Donghyo Kim and Sanguk Kim
Title: Identification of cancer type-specific driver mutations using sequence co-evolution analysis
Presenter: Donghyo Kim
Authors: Donghyo Kim, Doyeon Ha, Seong Kyu Han and Sanguk Kim
Title: Visible machine learning approach to predict anticancer drug efficacy in cancer patients using organoid models
Presenter: Jungho Kong
Authors: Jungho Kong, Heetak Lee, Donghyo Kim, Seong Kyu Han, Kunyoo Shin and Sanguk Kim
Asian Bioinformatics Consortium (ABC) Symposium
Date: 2019.08.21 - 2019.08.24
Location: Guizhou Normal University (Hua Xi Campus), China
Title: Evolution of functional modules and regulatory networks: Understanding genotype-phenotype relationship
Presenter: Sanguk Kim
Authors: Seong Kyu Han, Doyeon Ha and Sanguk Kim
The 16th Korea-Japan_China Bioinformatics Symposium 2018
Date: 2018.08.29 - 2018.08.31
Location: Sokendai, Hayama, Japan
Title: A systematic gene-phenotype comparison between human and mouse to find accurate phenologs
Presenter: Sanguk Kim
Authors: Seong Kyu Han, Doyeon Ha and Sanguk Kim
ISMB 2018; 26th Conference on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology
Date: 2018.07.06 - 2018.07.10
Location: Chicago, United States
Title: Identification of cancer essential genes through integration of cell-line specific network
Presenter: Kwanghwan Lee
Authors: Kwanghwan Lee and Sanguk Kim
Title: Identification of druggable PPIs using domain-mediated interaction interfaces
Presenter: Heetak Lee
Authors: Heetak Lee and Sanguk Kim
Title: Predicting mutational impact of disease-associated variants based on the network of evolutionary coupled residues
Presenter: Donghyo Kim
Authors: Donghyo Kim and Sanguk Kim
Title: Transcriptomic changes in network partners of orthologous genes represent phenotypic differences between species
Presenter: Doyeon Ha
Authors: Doyeon Ha and Sanguk Kim
10th Annual RECOMB/ISCB Confernce on Regulatory & Systems Genomics |
Date: 2017.11.19 - 2017.11.21
Location: New York, USA
Title: Biological functions rather than individual genes can explain the phenotypic differences observed between human and mouse orthologous genes
Presenter: Seong Kyu Han
Authors: Seong Kyu Han and Sanguk Kim
Title: Identification of biomarkers and prediction of survival based on exome sequencing of the mouse model of aggressive bladder cancer
Presenter: Jung Ho Kong
Authors: Jung Ho Kong, Donghyo Kim, Kunyoo Shin and Sanguk Kim
The 15th Korea-Japan-China Bioinformatics Symposium 2017 |
Date: 2017.06.21 - 2017.06.22
Location: Koreana Hotel, Seoul, South Korea
Title: Evolution of the genotype-phenotype relationship of human disease genes
Presenter: Sanguk Kim
Authors: Seong Kyu Han and Sanguk Kim
Genome Evolution at Mishima |
Date: 2017.03.27 - 2017.03.29
Location: National Institute of Genetics, Mishima, Japan
Title: Network evolution analysis to understand phenotype divergence between human and model organisms
Presenter: Sanguk Kim
Authors: Seong Kyu Han and Sanguk Kim
International Conference on Systems Biology 2016 |
Date: 2016.9.15 - 2015.9.21
Location: Barcelona, Spain
Title: Types of domain mediated interaction explain genotype-phenotype relationships
Presenter: Heetak Lee
Authors: Heetak Lee and Sanguk Kim
Title: Network evolution and phenotype changes between species
Presenter: Seong Kyu Han
Authors: Seong Kyu Han, Donghyo Kim, and Sanguk Kim
Title: Predicting the functional impact of protein mutations using coevolutionary signals
Presenter: Donghyo Kim
Authors: Donghyo Kim and Sanguk Kim
International School and Conference on Network Science 2016 |
Date: 2016.5.30 - 2016.6.3
Location: Seoul, Korea
Title: Popularity and similarity in network evolution explain the architecture of core/attachment in protein complexes
Presenter: Inhae Kim
Authors: Inhae Kim and Sanguk Kim
Title: Network evolution and understanding human gene-phenotype relationship
Presenter: Seong Kyu Han
Authors: Seong Kyu Han, Donghyo Kim, and Sanguk Kim
Title: Phenotypic role of domain mediated interactions through community detection on the structural interaction network
Presenter: Heetak Lee
Authors: Heetak Lee and Sanguk Kim
The 29th Annual Symposium of Protein Society |
Date: 2015.7.22 - 2015.7.25
Location: Barcelona, Spain
Title: Comprehesive protein domain analysis to map cancer-type-specific somatic mutations
Presenter: Jihye Hwang
Authors: Jihye Hwang, Sangjin Han, Inhae Kim, Sanguk Kim
Title: Identification of transient protein complexes by using intrinsic disorder and network topology
Presenter: Inhae Kim
Authors: Inhae Kim, Sangjin Han, Jihye Hwang, Sanguk Kim
Title: Identification of cancer-type-specific modules comprised of cancer-type-specific variants through phenotype similarity between cancer types
Presenter: Sangjin Han
Authors: Sangjin Han, Jihye Hwang, Inhae Kim, Sanguk Kim
The 15th Annual International Proteomics Conference |
Date: 2015.3.26 - 2015.3.27
Location: Seoul, Korea
Title: Protein comiplexes differ in the density and the modularity of protein-protein interactions to achieve various functions
Presenter: Inhae Kim
Authors: Inhae Kim, Sanguk Kim
The 13th Human Proteome Organization World Congress |
Date: 2014.10.05 - 2014.10.08
Location: Madrid, Spain
Title: Weak linear motif-mediated interactions contribute to the rearrangement of modular architecture in complex protein interaction networks
Presenter: Inhae Kim
Authors: Inhae Kim, Heetak Lee, Seong Kyu Han, Sanguk Kim
Title: Gene essentiality on model organism explains clinical severity of human genetic disorders
Presenter: Seong Kyu Han
Authors: Seong kyu Han, Inhae Kim, Sanguk Kim
The 28th Annual Symposium of the Protein Society |
Date: 2014.07.27 - 2014.07.30
Location: San Diego, CA, the U.S.
Title: Domain exchange between membrane and soluble proteins contributes to expand intercellular communication network
Presenter: Hyun-Jun Nam
Authors: Hyun-Jun Nam, Inhae Kim, James U. Bowie, Sanguk kim
The 58th Annual Meeting of Biophysical Society |
Date: 2014.02.15 - 2014.02.19
Location: San Francisco, CA, USA
Title: Analysis of protein domains and gene essentiality
Presenter: Hee-tak Lee
Authors: Hee-tak Lee, Seong-kyu Han, Inhae Kim, Hyun-Jun Nam, Sanguk Kim
The 5th International Symposium on IT Convergence Engineering (ISITCE 2013) |
Date: 2013.07.11 - 2013.07.12
Location: Pohang, Korea
Title: Domain exchange between membrane and soluble proteins contributes to metazoan evolution
Presenter: Hyun-Jun Nam
Authors: Hyun-Jun Nam, Hee-Tak Lee, Jinho Kim, James U. Bowie, Sanguk Kim
Title: Improving module identification in protein-protein interaction networks by using interaction strengths
Presenter: Inhae Kim
Authors: Inhae Kim, Hyun-Jun Nam, Jihye Hwang, and Sanguk Kim
Title: Modular architecture of gene essentiality reveals clinical severity of human genetic diseases
Presenter: Seong Kyu Han
Authors: Seong Kyu Han, and Sanguk Kim
Annual Conference of Society for Molecular Biology and Evolution (SMBE 2013) |
Date: 2013.07.07 - 2013.07.11
Location: Chicago, IL, USA
Title: Network evolution and gene essentiality changes
Presenter: Sanguk Kim
Authors: Sanguk Kim
A Meeting on Membrane Protein Folding (2013) |
Date: 2013.05.19 - 2012.05.22
Location: Seoul, Korea
Title: Fold Space and Function Annotation of Membrane Proteins
Speaker: Sanguk Kim
Authors: Hyun-Jun Nam, Seong Kyu Han, James Bowie, and Sanguk Kim
The 13th International Conference on Systems Biology (ICSB 2012) |
Date: 2012.08.19 - 2012.08.23
Location: Toronto, Canada
Title: Network rewiring has a significant impact on gene essentiality changes
Presenter: Jinho Kim
Authors: Jinho Kim, Inhae Kim, Seong Kyu Han, Young-Eun Shin, Jihye Hwang, and Sanguk Kim
Title: Evolutionary analysis of domain-linear motif interactions revealed the modular architecture of protein-protein interaction networks
Presenter: Inhae Kim
Authors: Inhae Kim, Jinho Kim, Jihye Hwang, Hyun-Jun Nam, and Sanguk Kim
4th International Symposium on IT Convergence Engineering (ISITCE 2012) |
Date: 2012.07.12 - 2012.07.13
Location: Seoul, Korea
Title: Network medicine to predict drug side effects:Functional diversity of membrane proteins is mediated by dynamic rewiring of protein interactions
Presenter: Jihye Hwang
Authors: Jihye Hwang, Murat Artan, Sanguk Kim
Title: Analysis of shared structure and function between membrane and water-soluble proteins for drug design
Presenter: Hyun-Jun Nam
Authors: Hyun-Jun Nam, Jinho Kim, Jihye Hwang, James U. Bowie, Sanguk Kim
Title: Analysis of interaction strengths and global architecture in protein-protein interaction networks
Presenter: Inhae Kim
Authors: Inhae Kim, Jinho Kim, Jihye Hwang, Hyun-Jun Nam, and Sanguk Kim
Title: Multipath in protein interaction network improved the understanding of the comorbidity of genetic diseases
Presenter: Young-Eun Shin
Authors: Young-Eun Shin, Jinho Kim, Inhae Kim, and Sanguk Kim
22nd International Conference on Genome Informatics (GIW 2011) |
Date: 2011.12.05 - 2011.12.07
Location: Pusan, Korea
Title: Global Sequence Homology Detection Using Word Conservation Probability
Presenter: Jae-Seong Yang
Authors: Jae-Seong Yang, Dae-Kyum Kim, Sanguk Kim
Title: Comparative network analysis reveals the mechanism of gene essentiality changes
Presenter: Jinho Kim
Authors: Jinho Kim, Seong Kyu Han, Young-Eun Shin, Solip Park, Jihye Hwang, Jaeseong Yang, Sanguk Kim
Title: Evolutionary connections of disease modules implicate in the comorbidity
Presenter: Solip Park
Authors: Solip Park, Jae-Seong Yang, Jihye Hwang, Young-Eun Shin, Sung Key Jang, Sanguk Kim
19th Annual Interanational Conference on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology and 10th European Conference on Computational Biology (ISMB/ECCB 2011) |
Date: 2011.07.17 - 2011.07.19
Location: Vienna, Austria
Title: Evolution of domain-linear motif interactions shapes the modular architecture of protein-protein interaction networks
Presenter: Inhae Kim
Authors: Inhae Kim, Seong Kyu Han, Jinho Kim, Jihye Hwang, Hyun-Jun Nam, Sanguk Kim
Title: Connection patterns in protein-protein interaction network reveal the phenotypic relationships among human diseases
Presenter: Young-Eun Shin
Authors: Young-Eun Shin, Solip Park, Jae-Seong Yang, Jinho Kim, Sanguk Kim
3rd International Symposium on IT Convergence Engineering (ISITCE 2011) |
Date: 2011.07.14 - 2011.07.15
Location: Pohang, Korea
Title: E-health for disease prognosis: Connection patterns in protein-protein interaction network reveal phenotype similarity and comorbidity of genetic diseases
Presenter: Young-Eun Shin
Authors: Young-Eun Shin, Solip Park, Jae-Seong Yang, Jinho Kim, Sanguk Kim
Title: E-health and network medicine: Network position can identify mitochondrial disease genes
Presenter: Jae-Seong Yang
Authors: Jae-Seong Yang, Jinho Kim, Jouhyun Jeon, Solip Park, Jihye Hwang, Youngeun Shin, Sanguk Kim
Title: Protein Localization as a principal feature of comorbidity
Presenter: Solip Park
Authors: Solip Park, Jae-Seong Yang, Young-Eun Shin, Inhae Kim, Jihye Hwang, Sung Key Jang, Sanguk Kim
Title: Comparative genomics between yeast and mouse reveals the etiology of genetic diseases
Presenter: Jinho Kim
Authors: Jinho Kim, Seong Kyu Han, Young-Eun Shin, Solip Park, Jihye Hwang, Jae-Seong Yang, Sanguk Kim
Title: Network medicine to predict drug side effects: Rewiring of protein-protein interaction network of plasma membrane proteins explains drug side effects
Presenter: Jihye Hwang
Authors: Jihye Hwang, Jinho Kim, Jouhyun Jeon, Sanguk Kim
Title: Structural property of protein-protein interactions explains functional associations at the molecular and phenotypic levels
Presenter: Inhae Kim
Authors: Inhae Kim, Seong Kyu Han, Jinho Kim, Jihye Hwang, Hyun-Jun Nam, Sanguk Kim
Title: E-health and drug target discovery: Analysis of fold space of membrane proteins to find the template structures for drug target discovery
Presenter: Hyun-Jun Nam
Authors: Hyun-Jun Nam, Jouhyun Jeon, Jae-Seong Yang, Sanguk Kim
IX European Symposium of The Protein Society |
Date: 2011.05.22 - 2011.05.26
Location: Stockholm, Sweden
Title: Membrane proteins share fold space with soluble proteins to expand their functional diversity during evolution
Presenter: Hyun-Jun Nam
Authors: Hyun-Jun Nam, Jouhyun Jeon, Jae-Seong Yang, Sanguk Kim
The 24th Annual Symposium of the Protein Society |
Date: 2010.08.01 - 2010.08.05
Location: San Diego, California, U.S.A
Title: Tissue
Specific Interactions of Plasma Membrane Proteins as the Mechanism of Functional
Presenter: Jihye
Authors: Jihye
Hwang, Young-Eun Shin, Jinho Kim, Solip Park, Sanguk Kim
Title: Protein
conformational changes are derived from the network of evolutionarily coupled
Presenter: Jouhyun
Authors: Jouhyun
Jeon, Young-Eun Shin, Jihye Hwang, Yoon Sup Choi, Jae-Seong Yang, Hyun-Jun Nam,
and Sanguk Kim
Systematic analysis of human PDZ domain-ligand interaction network and their
Presenter: Jinho
Authors: Jinho
Kim, Jae-seong Yang, Solip Park, Yoon Sup Choi, Jouhyun Jeon, Jihye Hwang,
Sanguk Kim
International conference on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology (ISMB) |
Date: 2010.07.09 - 2010.07.13
Location: Boston, U.S.A
Title: The
implications of protein subcellular localization for disease
Presenter: Solip
Authors: Solip
Park, Jae-seong Yang, Jihye Hwang, Young-Eun Shin, Yeonjoo Yoo, Sung Key Jang,
Sanguk Kim
Systematic analysis of mitochondrial proteins involved in the communication to
the cell
Jae-Seong Yang
Jae-Seong Yang, Jouhyun Jeon, Solip Park, Yun-joo Yoo, Jinho Kim, Youngeun Shin,
Sanguk Kim
2010 KSBMB Annual Meeting |
Date: 2010.05.17 - 2010.05.19
Location: Seoul, Korea
Title: The
importance of protein subcellular localization for disease profiling
Presenter: Sanguk
Authors: Solip
Park, Jae-seong Yang, Jihye Hwang, Yeonjoo Yoo, Young-Eun Shin, Sung Key Jang
and Sanguk Kim
Title: The
important role of protein subcellular localization in disease
Presenter: Solip
Authors: Solip
Park, Jae-seong Yang, Jihye Hwang, Yeonjoo Yoo, Young-Eun Shin, Sung Key Jang
and Sanguk Kim
Understanding the mitochondrial proteins involved in the communication to the
cell through network biology
Jae-Seong Yang
Jae-Seong Yang, Jouhyun Jeon, Solip Park, Yun-joo Yoo, Jinho Kim, Yonghwan Choi,
Youngeun Shin, Sanguk Kim
Comprehensive analysis of human PDZ domain-ligand interaction
Presenter: Jinho
Authors: Jinho
Kim, Jae-Seong Yang, Solip Park, Yoon Sup Choi, Jouhyun Jeon, Jihye Hwang,
Sanguk Kim
Title: New
insight into the fold space of membrane proteins revealed by structural
comparison with soluble proteins
Presenter: Hyun-Jun
Authors: Hyun-Jun
Nam, Jouhyun Jeon, Jae-Seong Yang and Sanguk Kim
Title: Tissue
specific expression of plasma membrane proteins and their functional
Presenter: Jihye
Authors: Jihye
Hwang, Jinho Kim, Solip Park, Sanguk Kim
Title: Insights
into protein flexibility: The relationship between evolutionarily coupled
residues and conformational changes
Presenter: Jouhyun
Authors: Jouhyun
Jeon, Inhae Kim, Yoon Sup Choi, and Sanguk Kim
Biophysical Society 54th Annual Meeting |
Date: 2010.02.20 - 2010.02.24
Location: U.S.A
Title: Evolutionary analysis of conformational changes in allosteric proteins
Presenter: Jouhyun Jeon
Authors: Jouhyun Jeon, Yoon Sup Choi, Jae-Seong Yang, Hyun-Jun Nam, and Sanguk Kim
7th Pusan Workshop on Proteome Biophysics & 1st Asia-Pacific IUP Symposium |
Date: 2009.12.05 - 2009.12.06
Location: Korea
Title: Evolution of protein dynamics: Role of residue interaction networks in protein allostery
Presenter: Sanguk Kim
Authors: Sanguk Kim
2009 International Symposium on IT Convergence Engineering |
Date: 2009.10.16 - 2009.10.17
Location: Korea
Quantitative interaction prediction revealed the genome-wide selectivity
preferences of human PDZ domains
Presenter: Jinho
Authors: Jinho
Kim, Jaeseong Yang, Jouhyun Jeon, Sanguk Kim
Identification of functional residues in Major Facilitator Superfamily (MFS)
transporters using evolutionary features
Presenter: Jouhyun
Authors: Jouhyun
Jeon, Jae-seong Yang, and Sanguk Kim
Identification of eukaryote-specific mitochondrial proteome through data
integration and phylogenetic profiling
Jae-Seong Yang
Jae-Seong Yang, Jouhyun Jeon, Jinho Kim, Yonghwan Choi, and Sanguk
Functional and evolutionary relationship between membrane and soluble
Presenter: Hyun-Jun
Authors: Hyun-Jun
Nam, Yoon Sup Choi, Jouhyun Jeon, Jinho Kim, Jae-Seong Yang, and Sanguk
The 9th POSTECH-KYUTECH Joint Workshop on Neuroinformatics |
Date: 2009.08.25
Location: Korea
Bioinformatic studies of protein sequence, structure, and function
Presenter: Sanguk
Authors: Sanguk
2009 The Protein Society Symposium |
Date: 2009.07.24 - 2009.07.29
Location: U.S.A
Intrinsically unstructured C-terminal regions of transmembrane PDZ ligands play
an important role in clustering scaffold proteins
Presenter: Jinho
Authors: Jinho
Kim, Jihye Hwang, Yoon Sup Choi, Hyun-Jun Nam, Sanguk Kim
Title: Analysis
of eukaryote-specific mitochondrial protein networks through data integration
and phylogenetic profiling
Jae-Seong Yang
Jae-Seong Yang, Doo-young Ahn, Jouhyun Jeon, Solip Park, Sanguk Kim
2009 European Symposium of the Protein Society |
Date: 2009.06.14 - 2009.06.18
Location: Switzerland
Genome-wide selectivity preferences of human PDZ domain-ligand
Presenter: Sanguk
Authors: Jinho
Kim, Jae-Seong Yang, Jouhyun Jeon, Sanguk Kim
The 66th KSBMB Annual Meeting |
Date: 2009.05.12 - 2009.05.13
Location: Korea
Identification of eukaryote-specific mitochondrial proteome through data
integration and phylogenetic profiling
Jae-Seong Yang
Jae-Seong Yang, Jouhyun Jeon, Jinho Kim, Yonghwan Choi, and Sanguk
Functional and evolutionary relationship between membrane and soluble
Presenter: Hyun-Jun
Authors: Hyun-Jun
Nam, Yoon Sup Choi, Jouhyun Jeon, Jinho Kim, Jae-Seong Yang, and Sanguk
Assessing systems properties of human mitochondria through a quantitative
proteomics analysis
Presenter: Jouhyun
Authors: Jouhyun
Jeon, Jae-Seong Yang, Yun-Joo Yoo, Youngmi Kim Pak, and Sanguk Kim
Title: A new
systematic approach to identify functions of human extracellular proteins using
Presenter: Sol-Ip
Authors: Sol-Ip
Park, OK-Kyu Song, Hyung-Jin Lee, Vit Kim, Jae-Seong Yang, Doo-Young Ahn, Sanguk
Kim, Sung-Key Jang
Title: Rational
design of binding determinant specific non-antibody protein scaffolds: EGFR
inhibitors with novel mechanism of action
Presenter: Yoon Sup
Authors: Yoon Sup
Choi, Sumin Yoon, Jinho Kim, So Jeong Yun, Pann-Chill Suh, Sanguk Kim, Junho
Chung and Sung Ho Ryu
Intrinsically unstructured C-terminal regions of transmembrane PDZ ligands play
an important role in clustering
Presenter: Jinho
Authors: Jinho
Kim, Yoon Sup Choi, Hyun-Jun Nam, Jihye Hwang, Sanguk Kim
First Korea-Japan Seminars on Biomolecular Sciences |
Date: 2009.03.01
Location: Korea
Systematic design of novel protein binding interfaces
Presenter: Sanguk
Authors: Sanguk
2009 IUPS International Conference of Physiological Science |
Date: 2009.01.16
Location: Korea
Bioinformatics approaches for membrane protein channel and
Presenter: Sanguk
Authors: Sanguk
Asia Pacific Bioinformatics Conference |
Date: 2009.01.11 - 2009.01.14
Location: China
Evolutionary conservation in multiple faces of protein interaction
Presenter: Sanguk
Authors: Sanguk
Kim, Yoon Sup Choi, Jae-Seong Yang, Sung Ho Kim